Lilabati Mahavidyalaya


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About The Department

The department of Sanskrit has been conducting an undergraduate general degree course since 2023. The time when the college was established. The department offering general degree course and minor and mdc courses sanctioned by the University of North Bengal. The general course of Sanskrit started from 2015-16 academic year with 23 students and the UGC Approved CBCS Course in Sanskrit under NBU Started from the 2018 academic year. Subsequently the number of Students has been rising Steadly. The graduates of this discipline show a marked improvement in their Sanskrit language skill and knowledge of literature.


We are aware that most of our students are first/ second generation learners from rural areas. Our vision is to provide them appropriate pedagogies available in Sanskrit Studies while nurture their reading, writing, speaking skills so that they can prepare themselves for the changing job market. We provide a friendly, nurturing and inclusive environment of teaching and learning. Our vision is to-

  1. To equip them with necessary knowledge of Sanskrit Studies – with a focus on the various genres of poetry, fiction, drama etc – so that they can develop a love for reading and appreciating literature on their own.
  2. To develop their soft skills- proper communication in Sanskrit which is fundamental in today’s job market.
  3. To nurture their creativity crucial for literary studies through their participation in performance activities, essay competition, magazine publication etc.
  4. To develop their research skills so that they can engage in research on their own.
  5. To develop their critical thinking so that they can become conscious and responsible citizen of the country.
  6. To make them socially aware and inculcate in them values of cooperation, sacrifice and fellow feeling with their fellow beings.

7. To provide Sanskrit not only to acquire knowledge but also to inculcate a sound philosophy for a holistic living.
8. To encourage self-evaluation, personality development and guide the students to strive towards perfection and competence.
9. More scope to use modern Sanskrit literature with ethical study in teaching learning programmes
10. We organize student seminar, student workshops, debates on contemporary issues, annual quiz competition, essay writing competition, occasional exhibition cum painting / photography competition etc to nurture their creative faculty and develop their communicative skills

Department Rules

  • As per the University norm, 75% attendance in class is mandatory for appearing in the final examination.
  • Students must return their borrowed items to the Departmental Library before collecting their admit cards for final exam from the office.
  • Students must help to maintain a healthy academic atmosphere in the department and must not involve in ragging or harassing anybody.

Programme specific outcome

Programme specific outcome

Sanskrit literature draws upon various fields of knowledge like History, Philosophy, Politics, Sociology, Vedic literature & Culture. After successfully completion of this Under Graduate General degree course students are able to achieve the following objects:-

1. Students are away of ancient Indian History, Literature & literary criticism.
2. Grammer is very important part of this language to make a sentence, to know appropriate meaning of texts, oral communication & perfection.
3. Students learn about the Indian Philosophy, Religion & Culture in the Sanskrit tradition.
4. An academic analysis of Geeta helps them to develop their personality.
5. Ayurveda helps them to know about the Indian medical tradition.
6. Students also learn the concept of Nation & Nationalism through Sanskrit literature.
7.The students learn about the Yoga shastra as it is a past of their syllabus.
8. Students are able to frame correct sentences both in spoken and written forms.
9. Students receive advanced knowledge of ancient Indian religion, literature, and history through the study of Sanskrit texts.
10. Students will gain knowledge of the major traditions of literatures written in Sanskrit.
11. Translation of Sanskrit literature into Bengali and vice-versa.

Course Outcome:

Semester 1
1st semester aims at teaching of the richest treasure of Sanskrit literature AbhijñānaSakuntalam by Mahakavi Kalidasa. Another paper teaches the art of writing i.e. what and how an author should write.The students will gain an understanding of “शब्दरुप” (पद) and प्रत्यय”.He/she will acquire knowledge of Karaka and Samas of Panini grammar, which will help refine sentence structure.Sanskrit grammar will be introduced through a series of example methods in which students construct sentences on their own.Students will be able to read and write Sanskrit and form Sanskrit sentences from this course.

Semester 2
In the Second semester two DSC papers are taught. DSC paper 1 deals with Nitishatakam and Kalidas’s Raghuvamsham. It may be e said that the learners are expected to learn how to read and enjoy poetry or more specifically Epic poetry. The second paper contains reading of Raghubamsam by Kalidas and rhetorical devices of this language called metre.

Semester 3
In sem 3 students are taught the history of Sanskrit literature, general grammar and Siddhanta Kaumudi that aims at teaching Karaka, an important component of Sanskrit grammar. SEC-1 paper is very important in the sense that it teacher tradition or communication which is normally considered as basic knowledge .

Semester 4
This part of the course has been framed so that the student can acquire an idea of various duties of the king from governance, punishment policy, tax policy, war policy domestic policy etc.
Again in two other DSE papers general discussion follows on Indian Drama and Manusamhita.The students will also learn about the appointment of good qualified minister and qualified messenger for good governance.The aim of this course is to make the students acquainted with various aspects of Political institutions and Indian polity as propounded in the ancient Sanskrit texts form Vedic Samhita to later texts in the Dharma sastra ap Isoponisad traditions. Students will know what to do and what not to do by reading the Upanishads.

Semester 5th
The learners will be able to acquaint with classical Sanskrit literature poetry.
The learners will be able to acquaint with the vastness and verity of the scope of Sanskrit literature, ancient Indian civilization and culture. The students will have also a concept about the writing style of different authors.Moreover he/she will be able to acquaint with different genres of Sanskrit literature and Sastras.
The Students will be acquiring knowledge about how to speak in Simple Sanskrit, language Enhance communication skills-Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing etc.

Semester 6th
In sem 6 two papers named Kavya-prakasha by Mammata and Sahitya-darpan by Viswanatha offer to teach Rhetoric. Other two DSE papers deal with Puranic literature and Patanjala Yoga-darshanam which has recently become part and parcel of many peoples day to day life.

1. Attendance Requirements:
– Students must attend 75% of lectures and tutorials to be eligible for university exams.
– Continuous absence for more than 7 consecutive days must be reported to the H.O.D. with a written note signed by a parent.
– Attendance on the first and last day of each session, including holidays, is compulsory.
2. Examinations:
– Passing college periodical exams is required to qualify for the university examination.
– Participation in class tests and college selection tests is mandatory.
3. Library Rules:
– Departmental books can be borrowed from 11:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Saturday.
– Lost, defaced, or damaged books must be replaced by the borrower.
– Books must be issued before taking them out of the department.
– Borrowed books must be returned within a week; they can be reissued if needed.
4. Participation in Departmental Activities:
– Students must participate in departmental events such as exhibitions, class seminars, and special lectures.
5. Classroom Etiquette:
– Students are responsible for keeping the classroom and college surroundings clean.
– Lights and fans should be switched off after class.

Summary of Student Regulations


  • Well-equipped classrooms with modern teaching aids.
  • A dedicated …for practical training.
  • Access to a comprehensive library with a vast collection of books, few journals, and digital resources related to education.

Student Activities:

  • Regular workshops, seminars, and guest lectures by eminent educationists.
  • Opportunities for students to participate in educational camps and community service programs.
  • An active student organization that organizes various academic and cultural events.

Lesson Plan

Faculty Members

Educational Tour 2023-2024


Bengal Safari Siliguri

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