Lilabat Mahavidyalaya

Book & Chapters

Book & Chapters

Name of the teacherTitle of the book/chapters publishedTitle of the paperCalendar Year of publicationISBN number of the proceedingName of the publisher
Partha Sarathi MandalGender and Marginality in Mahesh Dattani's Drama: Text and ContextTrying to Re-examine Mahesh Dattani as a Whistleblower to Gender Stereotype and Peripheralization of Marginalized Voices in His Selected Plays20199789388963329AABS Publishing House, Kolkata
Partha Sarathi MandalIndian English Literature:Texts and ContextsPolitics of Self and Other, Centre/ Periphery, Master/ Slave Dichotomy, Anti-Colonial Propaganda, Act of Ambivalence and Resistance, Schooling System, Hybridity and India’s Heterogeneous Identity with Reference to Narayan’s Swami and Friends20199789389264012Vishwabharati Research Centre
Partha Sarathi MandalICMDR:NEXT GEN INITIATIVESStatelessness, Politics of Self and Other, Gender Battle, Issue of Species Superiority, Politics, Marginalized Voices and A Comparative Analysis of Al-Hakim’s Egypt and Today’s Egypt in Fate of a Cockroach20199789388963077AABS Publishing House
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulSustainable Development and EducationRole of Teacher in Inculcating Education for Sustainable Development2020ISBN: 978-93-88854-52-8Discovery Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Sanghamitra MookherjeeLove Marriage: Women in Sri Lankan Civil War--2020ISSN: 2320-3625Centre for women studies
Partha Sarathi MandalLilabati Mahavidyalaya ShikshamalaClassroom Lectures on Narayan’s Student-Friendly Text Swami and Friends: Major Points Rediscovered From A Teacher’s Point of View202078-93-85823-47-3Upjanbhui Publishers
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulOvercoming Challenges and Barriers for Universal Access of Education. Conference Proceedings of Blended Learning Teaching: The Future of Education--2021ISSN: 978-81-954504-0-4,Amity Institute of Education,
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulNational Education Policy-2020 & Gender EqualityNew Education Policy, 2020: A Study on New Paradigm in Education2021ISBN: 978-1-4834-3032-4Red Shine Pub.
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulInclusive Education: Need of the Hour.Historical Development of Inclusive Education in India: A Study2021ISBN: 978-1-257-00500-0Red’shine Publication Pvt. Ltd
Sanghamitra Mookherjee.Critical Insights into Some Poems of Eunice De Souza--2021ISBN: 978-93-85823-47-3Upjanbhui Publishers
Pem Chheday BhutiaShikshamalaRenaissance Reinterpretation: Causes, Nature, and Effects20219789385823-47-3Upajanbhui Publishers,
Nibedita RoyShikshamalaRenaissance Reinterpretation: Causes, Nature, and Effects20219789385823-47-3Upajanbhui Publishers,
Dr. Bijaya kumar BiswalShikshamala--2021978-93-85823-47-3UPJANBHUI PUBLISHERS,
Anamika KunduMultidimensional Personality Of Swami VivekanandaŚivajñānê  Jīvasêbā : Aspects Of Swami Vivekananda2021978-81-94935-83-4Booksclinic Publishing,
Anamika KunduShikshamalaUttarbanga Biswabidyalayer Paripreksite Darsan Pathyasuchir Sanksiptak2021978-93-85823-47-3Upjanbhui Publishers,
Kshiroda RoyShikshamala--2021978-93-85823-47-3UPJANBHUI PUBLISHERS,
Mahaveb DasShikshamalaThe substencial analisis of thb syllabus of2021978-93-85823-47-3Upjanbhui Publishers,
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulRevisiting Tribes on the Periphery of India: Issues, Challenges and StrategiesAttitude of Tribal Parents Towards Their Girls' Empowerment: A Study in West Bengal2022ISBN: 78-93-91574-48-2Gyan Geeta Prakashan
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulDigital Transformation in Education during COVID-19Teaching-Learning Process during COVID-19 Pandemic in Online Mode: A Study2022ISBN: 978-93-90897-71-1Neelkamal Publications Pvt. Ltd.,
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulAdvance Research in Humanities and Social Science.Quality of Intervention in Early Childhood Care and Education for Children with Intellectual Disabilities in the State of Uttar Pradesh2022ISBN: 978-93-91248-38-3MKSES Publisher
Partha Sarathi MandalManishi Panchanan Barma-r Jibon O DarshanInternational Icon Rai Sahib Panchanan Barma and His Relevance in Today’s Context2022978-9385823-48-0Upjanbhui Publishers
Partha Sarathi MandalViolence in Literature, Culture and SocietyViolence Against Women in Pornographic Videos20239789355296665Authors Press
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulWomen Empowerment in a Time of COVID -19 Crisis.Gender Discrimination in Hindi Textbook of Class-VII of ICSE Board2023ISBN: 978-93-92042-16-4Annamalai Univercity
Dr. Sushanta Kumar RoulInnovative strategies for implementing NEP-2020 in Teacher EducationNational Education Policy-2020: Transforming the vision for Teacher Education in India2023ISBN: 978-93-92108-78-5Rudra Publishers
Dr. Bijaya kumar BiswalIndia in Globalized EraVision in Higher Education in India: Its Problems and Road to Realise.2023ISBN/ ISSN : 9788186772836New Academic Publishers
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