Lilabati Mahavidyalaya

Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

The institution follows a well-structured mechanism to ensure a firm yet decentralized process of working from the highest to the lowest rung of the administrative machinery. Though the Principal is the Head of the Institution and is in overall charge of the administration, yet every single decision is taken after a long process of deliberation and coordinated efforts of all stake-holders that is reflective of participative management. Participative Management and Decision making through extensive deliberation are the crux of the smooth functioning of the college.

The Governing Body of the College and the Principal together work towards maintaining the internal institutional quality according to the guidelines of the affiliating, University and the University Grants Commission. There is a Teachers’ Council which is a Statutory Body as per the Statutes of the affiliating university that not only highlights the various administrative and academic issues faced by the faculty members, but also monitors the academic performance of the college in consultation with the faculty members. There are various Committees and Cells to look after and implement the vision and mission of the College. The College is thus effectively governed taking into account the interests of all stake holders.

Teaching Staff & Their Rules

The Teachers should uphold the vision and mission of the college for the holistic development of the student community and provide them with the wherewithal for academic and spiritual development. The role of the Guru in the traditional Indian set-up is very important to inculcate worldly and spiritual values. In the contemporary scenario when India is poised to become a knowledge society and assume the role of a “Viswa Guru”, the role of the teachers have become imperative to mould the minds and hands of their disciples. The pursuit of academic excellence should be in tandem with the knowledge of society and appropriate skilling for rendering social service for the greater good of the country and humanity at large. Teachers are expected to maintain personal contact with the students to know their problems and aspirations, and be their mentors in the true sense of the term.

Teachers are to follow all regulations and statutes as laid down by the affiliating University (NBU) and the University Grants Commission from time to time. They should perform their duties and discharge their responsibilities conscientiously so as to be a model not only for the students, but also the society at large. They should participate in extension, co-curricular and extra- curricular activities.

Teachers are responsible for inculcating values of patriotism and community service to the students so that they become better citizens of tomorrow.

Teachers should work in a spirit of cooperation and harmony so as to maintain a congenial atmosphere within the campus. The good of the institution should always come first, for “A House Divided Does Not Stand.”

Teachers should cooperate with their authorities and also those of the higher affiliating institutions to whom they are responsible. They should participate in formulating policies and sound teaching and learning methodologies. The vision of the College is clearly laid down in the Sanskrit motto of “Sa Vidya Ya Vimuktaye” This portion of the shloka taken from the Vishnu Puran is reflective of the emancipatory nature of knowledge and the dedication to do one’s work without any attachment whatsoever. The primary objective of Lilabati Mahavidyalaya is to inculcate knowledge and wisdom among the students to emancipate them from ignorance and superstition as well as to enable the latter to pursue their vocations in life without any hindrance.

Non-Teaching Staff

 There ought to be complete harmony of conduct among the teaching and non-teaching staff so that conflict of interest if any does not prejudice the greater good of the institution and the principal beneficiaries of education, namely the students. During the admission process and the orientation programmes meant to induct the new comers, both the teaching and non-teaching staff should participate in tandem to welcome the freshers seeking admission in the institution as well as congenial surroundings.


Just as the Teaching and the non-teaching staff are around to help the students with their academic and administrative requirements, so it is the responsibility of the students to obey their peers. All students must attend the Orientation Programme in order to understand the nature of the course (CBCS) All students should attend their classes regularly and maintain 75% attendance as per University statute. Students should submit their library books and assignments on time so as to follow up with the academic calendar and lesson plans. All students must submit a declaration of no ragging as per UGC regulations, and treat their fellow students as brothers and sisters. Students are further expected to participate in extra-curricular and extension activities such as the NSS for contributing towards the well-being of the society and the country at large. They should also maintain the spirit of harmony, tolerance and brotherhood for a disciplined life both within and outside the campus. Smoking inside college premises and Littering the Campus is strictly prohibited.

The College Library

The College has a well-stocked library. All books should be borrowed and returned on time. This applies to both members of the teaching faculty as well as the students.

Committees & Cells

There are various Committees, Sub-Committees and Cells to ensure the smooth functioning of the different activities of the College. There are Anti-Ragging and Anti-Sexual Harassment Cells to address the grievances of the students and the faculty members. All Cells and Committees and Sub-Committees are expected to coordinate among themselves for institutional welfare.

Diversity & Inclusivity

The College being located in geographically remote location of West Bengal and adjacent to the North Eastern states attracts a wide diversity of students which renders the college campus extremely vibrant. The college tries to cater to all social, economic, educational and cultural needs of the student community and the neighbourhood at large. Inclusivity and participation are the guiding principles of the college and as such all policies are creatively directed towards that end with optimum available resources.
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