Lilabat Mahavidyalaya

Pem Chheday Bhutia

Designation: Assistant Professor
Qualification: M.A., M.Phil., Bed.
UGC NET: 2007
Contact No: 8392084815
Email Id:
Subject specialization: Modern Indian History

Raiganj University (erstwhile Raiganj College University College), Raiganj, Uttar DinajpurAssistant Professor, Stage-128.04.201016.12.2016
Lilabati Mahavidyalaya, Jateswar, AlipurduarAssistant Professor, Stage-217.12.2016Till date

List of publications(Journals):Published in: Himalayan Research Journal vol-1: Upama Publication, Kalimpong, 2012. Title: A Brief Sketch of Bhutia Marriage Ceremony.Published in: Himalayan Research Journal vol-VI: Upama Publication, Kalimpong, 2017. Title: Shamanic Attribute in Bhutia Culture of Darjeeling Hills: A Case Study.

Book chapters:Published in: Theory and Practice of Human Rights: The Indian Context; Complied by Gopal Sharma;Publisher-Rupali, Kolkata, 2015.
Title: Bhutia Culture and the Position of Bhutia Women of Darjeeling Hills; Contextualizing the Human Rights.
Published in: Shikhamala: Compiled by Dr. Narayan Chandra Basunia; Publisher-Upajanbhui, Coochbihar, 2021.
Title: Renaissance Reinterpretation: Causes, Nature, and Effects.

Seminar/Webinar etc. Attended-11
Paper Presented in Seminar– 08

Administrative Experience:Coordinator: NSS, Raiganj University (erstwhile Raiganj College University College), Raiganj, from 2012 to 2014.
Head, Department of History: Raiganj University from 2015 to 2016.
Member Board of Studies: Department of History, Raiganj University from 2015 to 2016.
Head, Department of History: Lilabati Mahavidyalaya from Dec 2016 till date.

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